B.Arch Program

How do humans visualize and inhabit the world? What is architecture? Who is an Architect?

Cedric Price famously said, “Architecture is what Architects do”. While this is a definition with a broad brush, one may say that the imposition of some kind of order in nature through man’s creation of the built environment is Architecture.

As “mother of the arts” and its subsequent development as an influential profession, architecture has achieved near-universal recognition as a noble pursuit. The discipline has therefore from time immemorial attracted the most talented and able of women and men to the profession, namely, Marcus Pollio Vitruvius, Leon Battista Alberti, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, to architects of the modern era, namely Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis I Kahn, Le Corbusier, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and in India, Charles Correa and BV Doshi to name a few.

The B.Arch program at ASPA attracts the most able of talent pool among both students and faculty. The School has over the past five years attracted faculty with education and experience in leading global universities and national schools of repute such as SPA, CEPT, and the IITs. Faculty from a variety of fields related to the discipline of architecture including city planning, interior design, landscape architecture, urban design, history of architecture and urban development teach or rather facilitate learning at ASPA.

Some features of the Architecture Program at ASPA are:

Some Features of the B.Arch Program at ASPA


Computing software applications are introduced only after the 4th semester of the curriculum.


The curriculum is designed to enable students learn by practical sessions at the Model Making Workshop, Construction Yard and Carpentry Workshops.


We encourage learning from the world as opposed to learning merely from the word, and in doing so, we facilitate outdoor individual and group activities in all semesters of the architectural education.


We give opportunities for participation in ‘hands-on’ workshops and guest lectures conducted by architects of international and national repute.


We encourage students to hone their drafting and design skills in the Architecture Design Studios.


1st year students undergo a foundation program, where we teach them the elements of design ,common to architecture and fine arts.


We enable 360 degree growth and genesis of a student to transform into a vital participant and forerunner in society.


As learning keeps one young, we facilitate a variegated mix of learning approaches including seminars, knowledge symposiums, workshops, and expert lectures; and activate the kindred spirit of the ‘master builder’ in students by encouraging manual experience of materials.